Wednesday, 7 November 2007

What's in Season?

Well, for this first time this season I bought tomatoes and, well, they didn't taste so good. I guess it's time to buy canned! However, just because yummy tomatoes are moving out until next year it doesn't mean that there isn't a nice variety of fruit and vegetables that are at their peak! Next time you're at your local grocer or market look for these fantastic fall offerings (and some that are available year-round):


Mandarins (November to January)

Pears (August to late November)

Bananas (Year-round)

Grapefruit (Year-round; peak in winter)

Kiwifruit (Year-round; peak in fall and winter)

Lemons (Year-round; peak in winter)

Limes (Year-round; peak in fall)


Brussels Sprouts (September to November)

Cabbage (July to November)

Leeks (August to November)

Mushrooms, button (Year-round)

Parsnips (September to November)

Rutabaga (October to December)

Squash, butternut (September to November)

Personally, my favourite is the mandarin orange!! I generally go through couple boxes. And they're a great addition to salads.


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